Sunday, 19 August 2012

the ending of summer

Once again, summer is coming to a close. This summer has definitely been an interesting one, filled with lots of happy memories but also a lot of sadness and boredom (mostly due to the lack of full-time job thing).

 A few weeks ago, Alex and I went to PEI and it was an awesome get-away. Above is the famous Green Gables house, it was so lovely to see it in person!
My pictures didn't turn out so great, but let me tell you PEI is a gorgeous province. We spent a lot of time at the beach enjoying the perfect summer weather and swimming in the ocean. I find the ocean waters near Halifax to be too cold to swim in, but near Cavendish it was a lot warmer which was awesome! One of the highlights of the trip for me was when Alex and I were walking back to our room late at night in Charlottetown and we saw a silver fox! No, it wasn't an attractive older man, but a black fox (normally red) with a white tip. We saw the little guy or gal on our first and second night, it was very exciting, especially for a nature lover like myself.

Last weekend Alex and I went home to visit my family and it felt so good to see them. I hadn't seen my sister since April (for us this is too long!) and it was great to catch up. My parents threw a huge pig-roast (weird.... I know) party for my Mom's side of the family and I was able to catch up with lots of people I don't normally see which was really nice. As much as I love living out of province, I definitely miss seeing my extended family and immediate family more often.

Next week Alex and I move into our new apartment and we move in together. I am both excited and petrified. My close friend reminded me that I am indeed moving in with a boy! It seems strange to really think about but I can't wait to wake up beside him every morning and to start this chapter of our lives. We have been preparing for our new place, we bought some frames today to host these lovely prints, which we had custom made to showcase where we are from and the places we've lived (Alberta, Ontario & Nova Scotia). I'm hoping we'll be able to add a few more provinces to the lineup as life goes on.

I'm slightly stressed about how teeny tiny our new apartment is but reading up on Apartment Therapy and reading my tea leaf's survival tips has made me feel as though this new change will be a welcomed design challenge that I am ready to take on!

Updates and pictures of the new place will follow, maybe one day I will have some tips of my own!

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