Thursday 12 July 2012

slow moving

Things in my life have been feeling like I'm going through slow motion lately. I'm sure its partially the heat and partially the boredom (still no full-time work) but the days just seem so long! I'm still not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing. During the year, when I was balancing my personal life and demanding school life I would have wished for a slow-motion, slow-moving day but lately I've been craving to feel busy, have more structure and feel like I am contributing in a more substantial way.

I'm also itching to move out. I love my current apartment and my roommates and I got very lucky when we settled on this gem, but Alex and I have found another lovely place and I am antsy to start that new chapter of our lives together. I'm trying to enjoy my gardening balcony projects and our porch space as much as I can, as our new home has none to speak of unfortunately.

On a more positive note, last night my roommate, Alex and I decided to watch Anne of Green Gables! It has been years and years since I've seen these family favorite films and all the memories came flooding back to me. All the characters and the scenery are such joys to watch! I can't wait to visit PEI this August, and to continue watching the film. Even Alex liked it, which surprised me but that Anne can be pretty hilarious.


  1. I love Anne of Green Gables :) I used to go visit my great-grandmother and we'd eat egg sandwiches and watch it together :)

    1. That sounds like such a lovely tradition!

  2. Two months ago, I have undergone somehow this slow-motion thing in life. It was really bad but I always make sure to be productive in small ways so when I look back, I would feel good about it. :)

    1. Yes, feeling productive in small ways is definitely helpful. I've been knitting, cooking and baking a lot which has been really helpful. I'm trying to relish in activities I wouldn't be able to do if I was super busy with a full-time job.
